GOT A NEW JOB On a Wednesday morning I went in for an interview as the part time administrative office assistant. They said I would hear from them the next day. It was 10:45 on a Thursday and I asked my dad on break if I should call to hear something. He said yes. The interviewer said she would be calling me at 3:30 to let me know if I got the job because she has a 2:30 interview. At 10:50 I told my mom, "I wish she would call and say you're hired, and forget that 2:30 interview." At 10:55 she called and hired me. My thought on the reason I got the job is because I spoke it aloud. Praise God!!! -Sturgeon Bay, WI
UNABLE TO HAVE CHILDREN I was told by the doctors that because of some cysts in my ovaries I would need surgery to remove them and would not be able to have any more children. After the operation, I still desired children and so did my husband. While sitting in a Holy Ghost service at Tom Terry's church in Reno, he was singing prophetic songs and the power of God hit me, and I woke up later on the floor drunk in the Spirit. To my amazement, I found out a miracle had taken place in my body. God replaced all that the surgery had taken! I have had several children since. -J. Wood in Reno, NV
NORMA STERN'S TESTIMONY I had a slipped disk in my back and was really in pain. I came up for prayer from Pastor Tom and he prayed. He asked me if I still had pain and I did. There seemed to be no change. Pastor tom told me to come back to the meeting the next night and give my testimony then because by then I would be healed. I walked away kind of disillusioned because I wasn't instantly healed. I was thinking, "Who does this guy think he is saying to come back tomorrow?" and all that. So that night I went to bed and I finally fell asleep. I woke up late at night and was still in pain. But was able to go back to sleep. The next morning I awoke and noticed the pain was gone and I was totally healed. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ! I had been depressed for many years. The doctors told me I had a tumor on the brain. This caused e to have epileptic fits. I had to take medicine for severe pain as this caused my eye to wander and I had terrible migraine headaches. I was suicidal and my marriage began to fall apart as my husband was a Mormon. I had been to have prayer at other churches, but when I went nothing happened, so I would go away disappointed. One time I went for prayer and had a seizure and all they did was call an ambulance for me. A friend at work had tried to get me many times for months to go to his church, Whole Word Christian Fellowship. On Halloween night, 1990, I decided to go. We went to a bible study at his apartment. I went up and asked Pastor Tom to please pray for me as I was about at the end of my rope. When he did I fell on the ground under the power. As I was laying there I had a seizure. But Pastor Tom prayed different than anyone I ever heard. He commanded the spirit to come out in the name of Jesus and for the tumor to dissolve and die. I felt this evil presence that I know now was several evil spirits leave me. Praise God, I am totally healed! No more seizures! No more pain, no more tumor, no more addiction to medically prescribed drugs. And as an added bonus my Mormon husband came to hear Pastor Tom and several weeks later was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, and Jesus has healed our marriage. Praise the Lord! -Norma Stern
STOMACH HEALED I hadn't been able to eat and hold much down for many years. Thursday afternoon Pastor Tom prayed and my stomach was healed. I can eat anything and I give glory to Jesus my Lord. -Carson City, NV
HIKING ACCIDENT I had a hiking accident in February, which resulted in emergency skull surgery. Four months later, I had lost 40% of my hearing and was informed the loss would be progressive and permanent. Pastor Tom laid hands on me and I recovered all of my hearing instantly. I give Jesus all the praise for this wonderful miracle confirmed by the doctors. -B.L. in Reno, NV
EPIDITIMITIS In the beginning of September 1991, I had an infection called Epiditimitis. I had been to the emergency room and they explained that the infection started in my bladder, ran to my left testicle, and into my left kidney. The hospital sent me to a specialist. I was in extreme pain, barely able to walk for about 1 week. The Sunday after all this I had Pastor Tom pray over me after the service because I was embarrassed about it. Two days later, I was almost totally well, and three days later all the symptoms and infection were gone. I was completely healed, praise God! -Erik in Reno, NV
TWISTED ARM I twisted my right arm at the shoulder, and within 24 hours I could not raise my arm above my waist. The next morning at Sunday service, Pastor Tom laid hands on my shoulder and within a few minutes the Lord unlatched the catch in my arm. I could raise my arm above my head and turn my shoulder and arm any direction with no pain. I praise the Lord for this! -Anonymous
SPIRIT OF FEAR I wanted to testify to you, that last week when you prayed for me, I was delivered from a spirit of fear that was coming against me and I want to praise God for my freedom and thank you for your obedience. In His Love, Denise Elwood
5 YR OLD HEALED OF CHICKENPOX I went up for prayer for my 5-year-old son. He had the chicken pox and I did not have a week of sick time I could take off from work. I asked God for a miracle of healing. When I got home from church my son showed me how half of his chicken pox had already disappeared while we were at church. He only missed two days of school and grew completely healed quickly. Praise to the Lord Jesus!
LIVING TO GIVE Ever since I understood the importance of tithing and living to give, I have been blessed with raises and promotions. I have just skipped over a position at work to a higher paying position with more responsibility. It's exactly the job I asked for and I tell everyone at work it's because of Jesus. I thank God for the principles I have learned from Pastor Tom's teachings on prosperity. -J. Woods in Reno, NV
EXPLODING LIGHT BULBS I had grown up in a Jewish home, but never been a religious Jew. I slowly began to reach out and search for some truth. I ended up involved in witchcraft. I found that I developed powers and could move objects, even exploding light bulbs just by concentrating on them. One day, I found myself in church with a friend from work at Whole Word. At the end of the service, I went up to receive Jesus and was born-again and all the evil left me. No more witchcraft. I have been filled with the Spirit and set free. -J. in Reno, NV
END OF MY ROPE I used to walk closely with God after I was a child and in my early teens. But over a period of time I slipped away from the Lord into a world of alcohol, drugs and sex. Over the years my heart grew harder to God and I started being interested in the occult and especially forms of old witchcraft. I learned to read fortunes through the use of rock and bones. But I thank God that He never gave up on me. One day when I was at the end of my rope, depressed and suicidal, I saw Pastor Tom Terry on TV. I watched the entire program and thought, "This man seems to know God real good. Maybe he could help me." Later that week I called his church and made an appointment to meet with Pastor Tom. I explained my life and that I was involved in witchcraft, but wanted to get back to my faith I had in my childhood. Pastor Tom told me to bring all my witchcraft stuff with me to the appointment. I came to the appointment not knowing what to expect. Over the last few years I had developed a strange paralysis in my left arm. My hand had curled up and I couldn't move it. The doctors could not understand what was wrong with my arm. (There was no medical reason.) Pastor Tom was different from anyone I ever met. He didn't talk much but listened to me. He asked if I was sincere and wanted help. I said I did. He told me to throw all of my witchcraft items in the trash, so I did. He then told me to pray with him a re-dedication to Jesus and I did. Then something I wasn't expecting happened. Pastor Tom screamed at the demons that had hold of me to leave and asked God to heal my hand. He then reached out, took my hand and it received strength and straightened out. I was healed and God restored my peace. And now I have a wonderful Christian life. Jesus has restored everything, I love him so.
DELIVERED FROM SMOKING Pastor Tom had a word of knowledge that someone was being delivered from smoking. I received that and was delivered. Praise Jesus! -Erick Lusk
KOORS' TESTIMONY My husband and I have been going to Faith Alive Fellowship for almost two months now. We heard about the church from an acquaintance, who is now a friend and attends FAF. The Lord has radically changed our lives! I myself had been saved in the eighties, but hadn't been walking with the Lord. My husband had been led through the salvation prayer by a pastor a short time before attending FAF, but didn't understand what it all meant because it had really never been explained to him. When we attended the church for the first time, we were a little skeptical. One thing we did notice though, everyone was so inviting and genuinely loving. We felt paid a attention to; the congregation and pastors were interested in us. My husband wasn't sure about it all at first, but then when our granddaughter came out of children's church at the end of the service, she was so excited and asked if we could come back next week. That got our attention. Since attending FAF, we've both received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of praying in tongues. Our hunger for God cannot be satisfied! We've bought books, tapes, and dvds to teach us about different subjects... we want to be surrounded by the Word! We both used to be heavy drinkers, but God has delivered us from any desire to do so because He's filled all the voids. My husband had tried to stop for three years! Our marriage, which was almost ruined because of the drinking and consequences of drinking, is now being restored. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we are learning to respect each other and put balance into our lives. Our relationship with our granddaughter (who lives with us) is healthier. We pray together as a family, and not just at mealtime. I've even gone to forgive someone who had hurt our marriage. I've been delivered from all my prescription medications for asthma and sinus problems and my stomach problems, praise the Lord! Our businesses are both prospering ever since we've decided to tithe to the church. All in all, the teaching we've received in this short time and the fellowship we have with our brothers and sisters at FAF has changed our lives! We praise God for all He's done! -Norm & Lanette Koors in Sturgeon Bay, WI
DELIVERED FROM DEPRESSION I had been severely depressed off and on all of my life. Even though I had a wonderful husband who loved me and I had received Jesus as my Saviour, I still would go through great times of depression. My husband said I would sit for hours and even days and just stare out the window. I couldn't work, cook, or do anything. One day we decided to go to visit another church than the one we were going to. It was a Wednesday night and the Pastor wasn't speaking. Another man, Brother Tom was teaching. The teaching was great and afterward I went up for prayer. When he laid hands on me all I remember is being helped up off the floor later. But I can remember something very ugly that caused that Depression all my life. I could hear cursing in my mind as that depression broke and began to leave. I was totally healed by Jesus' power and have become happy and full of joy and God is blessing me. I never am depressed anymore. -Mary Martin in Seattle, WA
LUNGS TOO SMALL I was born with lungs that were too small for my body. I always got winded easily and couldn't compete in heavy activities like sports. Sometimes I would have a hard time with normal breathing. Pastor Tom had a word about this, prayed for me, and I was totally healed. It was a miracle because my lungs are now normal. I thank God for every normal breath because I know He's the one who gave me new lungs. -Kate in Reno, NV
SINUS CONDITION I have been troubled by a sinus condition for years. After learning that Jesus bore all sickness and disease on the cross for us, I have been standing on that Word. On Sunday, Pastor Tom had a word that came forth that someone needed a manifestation for their healing in the sinus area. I went up, and praise God, I was healed. I received my manifestation and was set free! -J. in Reno, NV
IRREGULAR HEARTBEAT Last summer when you were ministering in Willows, CA, you asked for someone who had a heart problem to come up and God would heal them. I was taking medication for an irregular heartbeat. But, I had pressure in my chest at times. When I went up for prayer you said God was going to give me a new heart valve and He did because I don't feel any pressure at all anymore. Thank you for your prayer and for being obedient to God. And I thank God for your ministry and for what He did for me. -Norma L. Stepp
FAITH HAS REPLACED FEAR When I first heard Pastor Tom preach, I hungered for more. He taught the word of God like I had never heard it before. He made me want to know God better than I did. I had been going to church most of my life, but I had never felt completely free of the cares and the burdens of this world. I struggled going back and forth, being tossed about by every wave of adversity. Fear had run my life and I didn't even know it. The more I heard Pastor Tom preach, the more I began to realize who I was in Christ. I began to understand the love God had for me and how the Lord wanted me to be victorious in this life, not just in the life to come (in heaven). I started learning that every part of our lives is important to God. Over time, God became my loving father, not just a God who was far away and intangible. Faith has now replaced fear. Even though I am not perfect, I strive to read the Word of God, believe it, and live it, regardless of my circumstances. I am learning to walk by faith, not by sight or by feelings. When fear and insecurity try to come back into my life, instead of giving into them, I choose to believe what God says about me. I learn to overcome them by standing on the Word of God. I now know who I am in Christ, and I continue to allow God to stretch me and change me as I seek Him. -Stephanie Soucek in Sturgeon Bay, WI
MIGRAINE HEADACHE I came to service Sunday with a bad migraine headache. It was horrible and I had had it for several days and almost didn't want to come to church. I came up for prayer. Pastor Tom had me sit down. He prayed for my legs to grow out. He prayed for my arms, back and head. I was healed! Praise God! -Marlie in Reno, NV
DELIVERED FROM DEMONIC POWERS I had received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a charismatic Catholic prayer meeting. But I didn't understand much about the bible yet. Some of my friends that I thought were Christians told me that they wanted me to attend one of their services. They said that many supernatural things happened and that God did miracles among them. I really felt uncomfortable about going with them for some reason, but they were very pushy and kept asking, saying that I would receive a special blessing if I attended. Finally, against my better judgment, I went with them, thinking what could it hurt anyway. The second we walked into this service, I knew I should not have come. Something was not right, and a horrible fear seemed to meet me at the door. The man speaking was talking about weird stuff, not about Jesus and I wanted to go home. But I didn't drive, so I felt I needed to be polite and wait for my friends. Then my friends got up (everyone got up). There were only about 10 people, and all joined the man up front who said he wanted to pray a blessing on all the attendees. Again, I felt very uncomfortable, but went up anyway. But this was not like prayer we had at my Catholic church, this man put hands on me and was asking spirits with weird names to come and be my guides and protect me. As he prayed, I seemed to tremble and the fear seemed to increase. I felt very bad, and wanted to go home so bad. On the way home Ii asked my friends what kind of church this was that we had went to. He said it really wasn't a church, but a fellowship of people who come together to learn about different paths of spiritual enlightenment that would lead to God. Some considered themselves Christians, some Buddhists, some Spiritualists, Christian Scientists, etc... They said that they were part of the New Age Movement and believed there were many ways to God. And the man speaking was a well known Spiritualist and had power to heal and channel spirits. All this scared me and sounded strange because it was so new to me. That night I couldn't sleep. A fear like I had never had seemed to overtake me. Over a period of a few weeks I grew more and more depressed and frightened. It seemed like I could hear voices that kept telling me I was going to die or go crazy. At night I would hear sounds like knocking on the walls and moving furniture or stuff in the room. I didn't know if this was real or just a figment of my imagination. I began to think it was demons from Hell that had come to torment me. I decided to attend a service at a Christian church that a relative went to, where they prayed for people for healing and deliverance. That Sunday I came in late during the worship service. As soon as I found a seat, the pastor stopped the service and asked folks to pray for one another. A young man named Tom Terry came over to me and asked to pray for me. I started to cry and wanted to explain what I was in need of. But he just reached out, touched me, and screamed for the devils to go from me. I felt a power hit me that knocked me down. I felt a release and began to cry and cough. Then I felt the peace of Jesus overwhelm me. I am thankful to the Lord; I have been completely set free. All the fear, torment and noises stopped. I have learned that I had gone to a meeting that was full of wrong spirits and they began to torment me. But Jesus set me free. I thank the Lord for sending this young man to help me when I didn't know how to help myself. -Ivy in Salinas, CA
SERIOUS SEIZURES My daughter Sunshine had been born and had had serious seizures from the beginning. The doctors said it was something wrong with her brain. She stopped having these attacks for many years. But one day, to my horror, they returned. I called my friend Stella's husband Rev. Tom, and brought my daughter Sunshine over for prayer. When he took her in his arms, he began to weep and cry. This went on for a long time and Sunshine fell asleep. I took her home and she is totally well — no more seizures. Praise Jesus Christ! -Margie in Watsonville, CA
ALCOHOL & DRUG PROBLEMS I had had serious alcohol and drug problems for many years and my wife, my daughter, and I had ended up on the streets and living in the missions. My wife was sick with M.S. but Jesus has now healed her. I had tried to give my life to God totally but every time I did it seemed like some unknown force held me back. We were staying at a church and we went to their Camp meeting and my wife was healed at the Thursday afternoon service. The man preaching was Tom Terry and he prayed and told us Jesus was going to change our life. The following Tuesday we went to a bible study and Mr. Terry was there again. He prayed for me and I fell on the ground and was being harassed by this thing that had always caused me to not give my life to God. And the minister commanded the thing to come 9out and it did and I was free, praise Jesus! I have now given my life to God and am going to work and Jesus is healing my family. -Delbert in Reno, NV
BACK HEALED First of all, my greatest testimony is how I got my back healed after 20 years. I thought my work life was over and that I was going to have to depend on disability. Praise God almighty for healing me. I have not been to the doctor once since being healed. I also am a realtor. My magnificent God did my last deal. The house I sold received an offer in approximately 6 hours after being listed. Let me say the buyer, seller, loan officer, and I are all Christians. God truly watches over his children. I know if I seek God and His righteousness he will supply all of my needs and he will supply your needs as well. He also gave me the perfect husband through my prayers. -Love, May
EYESIGHT HEALED My eyesight was starting to deteriorate due to traumatic cataracts from a beating I suffered 12 years ago. I am now 31. Since prayer after a word of knowledge at the Whole Word Christian Fellowship prayer meeting, Jesus healed my eyes. I see much better now than I did a year ago. (This healing is documented in my medical file.) -Karen in Nevada
LOSS OF EYESIGHT I was losing my sight slowly. The doctors told me "If you don't wear your glasses you will go blind." I came to this church and soon became born again. Pastor did the laying on of hands and my eyes were healed. Now I see as well as I did with the glasses. God really does care and loves us! -Dawn
DETIORATED DISK I had problems with a deteriorating disk can vertebrate in my back. I had suffered and been in pain for years. I had been to doctors, chiropractors and therapy. Nothing seemed to help much. I went to bible study with Karen Walker at Pastor Tom's apartment. He started the bible study and as I was sitting on the couch I was in tremendous pain. Pastor Tom prayed and my legs grew out and my arms grew out. He told me to bend over and I did. No pain — Jesus healed me instantly! Praise God! -Angie in Reno, NV
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS I was suffering with multiple sclerosis and my muscle function had deteriorated until I couldn't hold up my head and use my arms very well or walk very well. I went to a Camp meeting and heard Tom Terry speak. After the message he prayed for my husband and me and told me I would never be the same. I have been progressively getting better and my whole life has been changed and I am growing in the Lord. I thank God that Jesus is alive and still the Healer today! I was healed of broken bones in my feet. I had broken them in an industrial accident and had been operated on. I was in a lot of pain. I even had a hard time getting up the stairs when the service started. Pastor Tom had a word given by the Lord that someone was in an accident. I came forward, obviously in pain. Pastor Tom prayed and told me to do something that I couldn't do before. I started jumping up and down on my feet. No pain praise God! I was so surprised I began to weep and cry. Jesus is Lord! I had a bad arm frozen in place many years. Pastor Tom called me up and I was healed by God's power. It was a miracle from Heaven. - Jon Reno, NV
STUTTERING PROBLEM Ever since I was a child I had a stuttering problem. I probably don't need to describe how much horrible teasing and mocking I had to endure growing up. Not only children, and teenagers, but also some adults could be very cruel. I had accepted Jesus when I was a child and always loved Him. However, the church that my parents took me to basically taught me that things like my stuttering handicap and other deformities and sicknesses were just a cross to bear. And that god had created me this was to be an example of how to endure suffering for God. I even as a young child dreamed of being able to talk right so I could speak in front of people and be a Christian disc jockey. I love music, but really have no talent to play and sing. But I knew that this dream could never be fulfilled because of the stuttering. As I became a young adult, I began to go to other churches to try to find more answers than what I had been taught. It began to seem to me that as I read my Bible, some of the things my church believed didn't seem right. I finally found myself in a Charismatic church that believed in healing and gifts of the Spirit. One night I was invited to a home meeting where these charismatic Christians would share the Word and pray for one another. This particular evening a young man started to lay hands on people to be filled with the Spirit and speak with tongues. I was amazed at the sight of people speaking in a heavenly language and watching some of them fall on the floor! I had never seen this before, but somehow what I saw touched my heart and I began to weep. I finally got up enough nerve to ask the man praying for the people if I could (with my stuttering problem) get filled and speak in tongues. I found out this man's name (Tom Terry) and he patiently listened to me and said that if I simply spoke, God would give me the utterance. I asked Tom to pray, but what I received was a strange type of prayer I had never heard. He simply said in Jesus' name, Lord loose his tongue and fill him with the Holy Ghost, and Satan, go from him. When he did that it was a most unusual experience that followed. It felt for a moment that someone hit me in the stomach. I found myself lying on the floor and suddenly blanketed in the peace of God, like I have never experienced it. As I lay on the floor, I started to cry again. And before I realized what I was doing, I was speaking clearly in a language I did not know. And I didn't stutter. As I got up off the floor, I suddenly realized that as I started praising God in English I wasn't stuttering anymore. Then I started saying other things without stuttering. Not only did God fill me with the Holy Spirit and give me His precious prayer language, but He also totally healed my stuttering, praise God! I am now a disc jockey at a Christian radio station and do other speaking for God. -Ben, California
ETHEL THOMPSON HEALING I, Dorothy Matlock, have received the Holy Ghost by the prayer and laying on of hands of Pastor Tom. I also witnessed healing of Ethel Thompson by the prayer and laying on of hands of Pastor Tom. Hearing was instantly healed, a calcium deposit on the top of the base of her big toe on her right foot started to instantly dissolve. She could get herself up off her chair and walk, and could even lift one foot from the floor while standing on the other foot without aid or holding on to anything. The hump on her upper back disappeared and she cold stand straight. She had been in a wheelchair since March of 1991 and could do none of the above without aid. Also, healing of a bad heart and all arthritic symptoms healed. Now working in the garden and driving again. -Ethel M. Thompson, Dorothy V. Matlock, Harry Virtue-November 2nd, 1991
FORMER JEHOVAH'S WITNESS First of all, my greatest testimony is my salvation. I had grown up all my life as a Jehovah's Witness. I was faithful to attend that church, but it always seemed empty and missing something. I began to think there was something more, so I thought I might need to try another kind of church. I prayed and asked God to help me find a church where I could learn about Him if this Jehovah's Witness church was not His best for me. So I opened up the phone book and after one look in the church section, I knew I would need help. There were so many different churches listed. So I prayed for help again. As I did, I turned the page and an ad for one church seemed to pop out at me. It was a church called Whole Word Christian Fellowship. I picked up the phone and called the number and happened to get the pastor. He was so nice and invited me to the next service, a bible study that Wednesday. I decided to go. I began to realize that even though I had attended church all my life, I didn't know anything about God. In fact, I didn't know God at all. After the service I prayed with the pastor and received the real Jesus as Lord and Savior. My life was changed as a great peace came on me for the first time in my life. Then at church several weeks later I was filled with the Baptism of the Spirit and spoke in tongues. I praise God for this. I also received a wonderful healing. I had an accident 20 years before that had injured my back horribly. I was always in pain and thought my work like was over and that I was going to have to depend on disability. But Pastor Tom prayed for me at church and Jesus totally healed my back. I didn't need medication for pain any longer and haven't been back to the doctor once since the healing. I got a job as a realtor and have began to work. I have been supernaturally blessed financially. He also gave me a perfect husband. I give Jesus all the glory. And thank God for Whole Word and Pastor Tom. -M. in Reno, NV
DIVINE HEALING I would like to say that Faith Alive Fellowship has been an answer to prayer for me. I desired and prayed to have a full gospel church that preached the uncompromising word, and that is exactly what Faith Alive Fellowship is. I have never experienced being so well taught. It has given me the foundations to turn around and teach and mentor others. I can hardly count the many opportunities I've had to share with others what Pastor had just shared in church. And of course taking notes helps me even share all the more accurately!! I have experienced many healings. I can remember having a pain in my shoulder for many many months. Pastor prayed for me and I never experienced the pain again. I was instantly healed. Another time I had a cold that was giving me lots of pain and congestion. As Pastor Tom was preaching the word I knew just by hearing the word that I was healed. I was standing in the prayer line, but I knew I had already been healed. I told him when he came to me to pray that I was already healed. He still laid hands on me, and I fell under the power of the Holy Ghost. When I stood up the congestion was totally gone, as well as my headache. These individual instances are wonderful, but the best thing is to be able to walk in divine healing. There have been times when I've begun to get sick, but because of the equipping of the saints that Pastors Tom and Stella have ministered, I did not succumb to the sickness. I speak the word over myself, and always come out victorious. I don't remember being sick since Pastors have been here. I have also been blessed to be able to see my daughter Tina come to know the Lord as her personal savior and filled with the Holy Ghost under Pastor Tom's ministry. That's as rewarding and even to some extent more rewarding than realizing my own salvation. I stand confident in knowing that my whole family will come to know the Lord in this same personal and intimate way. God's promises are true and sure. I don't go by what I see but by what the word tells me! -Jennifer in Sister Bay, WI
PANCREATIC CYST In the past few years I have been hurt deeply by a local church, by my mother, and by another Pastor. The pain was severe and deep and brought with it righteous anger. I gradually withdrew from people and public places and my thoughts were so obsessed with these events and the pain, that I gradually had less prayer and Word time and more time discussing these things. Six months ago I developed a pancreatic cyst and stomach ulcers. I lived through the surgery but the stomach ulcers returned in this last month. I sought the Lord for two days to find out what my problem was. Besides carrying the pain of those other events, I now was confused about God and His Word because I hadn't been healed prior to surgery and had ulcers again. I studied on forgiveness and bitterness, wrath, etc. and knew I wasn't guilty of those. Finally, my husband told me to look up resentment. It fit! It described my feelings well. The word resentment isn't found in God's Word, I suppose because it's a feeling and not an action. The dictionary said resentment is sometimes accompanied with scorn. I didn't know was scorn was so I looked it up. Bingo! To scorn is to look down up on as mean or low, feeling a person is unworthy of respect, to reject, mock, or scoff, haven an angry dislike of what is (or who is) considered worthless or evil. My righteous anger and pain had turned into resentment and then scorn... I told others what people had done to me, thinking it would ease my pain, gain me comrades, and cause others to be disrespected and rejected. Proverbs 9:8 says a scorner doesn't take reproof. I could see the faults of others, but not my own. I stopped growing. Proverbs 14:6 says a scorner seeks wisdom but doesn't find it. Proverbs 3:34 says God scorns the scorner. Proverbs 19:29 Judgments are prepared for scorners. Proverbs 9:12 If you scorn, you alone shall hear it. Isaiah 29:20 The scorner is consumed. The pancreatic cyst was full of digestive fluid that would "consume", dissolve vital organs. An ulcer is stomach acids consuming the stomach lining. Avoiding driving and crowds was being "consumed" by fear. My goal of causing another rejection and lack of respect and judgment had come on me. I saw this only last week. I confessed it and have been forgiven and delivered. The stomach pain is gone, but best of all.... And I'm excited... is this... God wanted to heal me much sooner but couldn't! His hands were tied. Yes, He is the Healer and His Word is true. All of His Word is true, including the judgments for certain sins. By His stripes I'm healed. Yes! But also a scorner is consumed, yes! Praise God that He was faithful to forgive my sin — after I saw and confessed it and that He remembers it no more, and now that I am no longer a scorner, I am under His blessing and all I put my hand to is prospering. I am receiving! I had started to think His Word wasn't true and didn't work, but now know, His Word is so true and works so well — all of it. Without the whole Word, people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. I can claim healing until the cows come home but if I carry on a sin with it's judgments the current is broken by spiritual law. God's Word works! All of it! He promises consumption for scorners. It works! He promises healing in His name. It works! But when we ask in His name it's more than repeating words. It is living a life in His name. -God Bless, Connie J. Burt
FROM PRISON CAMP #34 God is using your leadership teaching tapes mightily in Valley View Prison Camp #34, located high in the Mendocino National Forest / Northern California! The Holy Ghost has been equipping the body of Christ for the effectual working of the ministry right here in camp 34. Many have been grounded in the Word, through your teaching and preaching tapes over the lasts four years. And as you have been obedient to shift into training leader, God has been confirming His Word by raising up prison-nationals into 5-fold ministry gifts, callings and leadership offices. Here comes Joel's mighty end-time army... marching right back into the enemy's territory to shine the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ, dispelling the darkness and setting the captives free in Jesus' name! Well Shondai! God broke the mold on you Brother Tom. Just keep being you, whether they like it or not, because you never have been a man-pleaser, but God is pleased with your work and motives of the heart. Soon you will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant.." God's blessings in all that you and Stella put your hands to... I love you both. -Terry in Willows, CA
DEPRESSED & SUICIDAL I was depressed and suicidal — I never thought this way before. I went to a service at Mt. Sierra Church in Markleville. I never felt the power of God like that. The man starting the meeting called me up saying I was depressed. He pointed at me and I fell to the ground and was set free. -Markleville, CA
LUNG CANCER I received healing from lung cancer at an ICFM meeting as you prayed for me! -Mrs. Wally Jointer in Markleville, CA
SEVEN SPIRITS LEAVE I had been having a hard time walking a good Christian life many years. I came to a Wed. night service at Whole Word Christian Fellowship. The Pastor called me up and told me things only God could have known and then he told me seven spirits had been harassing me for many years. He pointed his finger at me and commanded those spirits to go. Something seemed to overwhelm me and I began to scream as I fell to the floor. Peace like I had never known swept over me and I began to speak in other tongues. Praise God, I am delivered! -Todd in Reno, NV
CHRONIC BACK PAIN Praise the Lord! After Tom and Stella prayed over me I have been healed of a chronic pain in my back and a pinched nerve. My body is really experiencing new life! I thank God, Tom and Stella, for His Holy Anointing on your lives. God bless and stay strong in the Lord! -Love in Christ, in Linda Lightauer
NEW JOB We were in a service at Believer's Church in Prundale on a Sunday night. Rev. Tom Terry was speaking. I had lost my job and we were going to be put out of our home if we didn't come up with some money. I knew that God would come through for me, but I needed an answer. That night at the service Rev. Tom called us up and sang a prophecy over us that God was going to turn our captivity because we were faithful givers and would become some of the most prosperous people in the church. It was hard to believe by looking at all the circumstances, but one month later I had a new job making almost three times more than before. Praise Jesus! -David & Bridget Wedgeworth